

A site for magazine editors that warmly invites students to contribute to editing news forums, hosts site-affiliated groups on interested campuses, and has a job listing section listing dozens of paid and unpaid internships.


This site hosts a side blog, but it’s better known as a hub for job seekers in journalism or PR. Users create job profiles through this network, which also offers professionalization tools, such as portfolio organizing pages.


A social network for job seekers with special features designed to enhance the job-searching experience and continue professional connections over the span of one’s career. Also useful is the endorsements function of the network, which encourages users to seek and receive endorsements for special skills related to their careers in order to accumulate multiple endorsers.

Most editors at mainstream publications have encountered this site for either job listings or current news on editing and publishing careers.

Publisher’s Weekly

For careers in book editing and publishing, Publisher’s Weekly lists jobs and occasional updates on the job market.

“Publishing Job Resources and Links.”

From, a professional writing and editing teacher gives a large list of additional job sites and resource pages, including many of the aforementioned mainstream sites as well as a host of smaller, specialized ones.


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